Not so long ago, a new health craze caught people’s attention around the world - Keto Bulletproof Coffee. We’ve featured this new type of coffee on our website before but would love to share some more info about it.
Previously, Bulletproof Coffee was for those interested in the ketogenic diet. There are many sites that have been comparing the coffee to other healthy drinks, including matcha tea, but how does it really shape up?
What is Bulletproof Coffee?
Bulletproof coffee, or keto coffee, is not your average cup of joe. It is a strict low-carb, high-fat coffee containing grass-fed butter and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, instead of your regular cream and sugar. The creator of this high-fat drink is entrepreneurDavid Asprey who was inspired when drinking traditional yak-butter tea while on a trip to Tibet.

Back at his home in Silicon Valley, Asprey worked on his own unique recipe for years. Finally, in 2009, he had successfully made his first ‘bulletproof coffee’ and has been sharing its health benefits to as many people as possible since. And slowly but surely, the coffee has started to gain momentum and get a name for itself around the world.
What is so Great about this Keto-Coffee?
Bulletproof coffee fans enjoy the energy boost of the coffee without experiencing jitters, hunger pangs and mood swings. Plus, this special coffee is possibly known to help you lose weight. Many are taking to drinking this 450 calories plus beverage instead of breakfast, reaping the benefits, while mixing it with other healthy drinks such as matcha green tea.
So how can a coffee that’s high in fat help you to lose weight? The key is that the fat is a certain type - a natural and healthy saturated fat with a low amount of carbs. You burn the fat as fuel throughout the day and end up with fewer unused fats stored in your body, which helps with weight management.

MCT oil, an ingredient in bulletproof coffee, is another weight loss charm.Studies show the consumption of MCT oil can increase fat loss when compared to olive oil.
Any other thoughts?
When keto coffee became popular, just like any other health fad, it was debunked by different health and nutrition experts. One of the biggest concerns was about the amount of fat added to the coffee cup.
Adding both grass-fed butter and MCT oil means adding more calories into your morning coffee than you would to your regular coffee. Although Bulletproof Coffee is a substitute for your breakfast, a time of day when you can often get away with eating more calories, it’s not quite a nutritious meal. You may also need to lower your fat intake throughout the day to help keep a balanced diet.
Saturated fat possibly also has a known link to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood cholesterol, which explains why many don’t buy into the bulletproof coffee craze. However, if you research a little more you can find there’s more behind the saturated fat than what was previously thought.

First, more recent studies have shown that there is actuallyno association between saturated fat and heart diseases. Secondly, there are good and bad cholesterols. Bad cholesterol is the small and dense LDL, a small lipoprotein that can penetrate the wall of blood vessels and stimulate heart disease. And yet many long-term studies findno link between the consumption of saturated fat and the LDL level.
But just to be safe, saturated fat can contribute some health benefits only if consumed moderately and in accordance to your condition of health.
So is it or is it not for you?
Since keto coffee is still pretty new, there aren’t yet too many studies on its effect on your health.
Most of the health benefits have only been divulged from short-term drinkers but in reality, accurate studies need long-term investigations. Until there is an official study on the health benefits of bulletproof coffee, we will stick with our favourite matcha green tea.

Matcha is an ancient drink that has been consumed for centuries. Many studies have proven the health benefits of matcha, including demonstrating the high energy levels it gives you and the cognitive performance-boosting, mood and memory enhancing qualities it has. That’s not to forget its benefits on skin, teeth, and beauty, and its overall benefits to your general well-being.
Whereas with bulletproof coffee, there are some people who have tried it and still love this keto coffee for its benefits. So, this could be a new healthy drink for you to try, depending on your preferences and your body and health condition.
However, if you are looking for an energy and focus booster to begin the day, matcha tea served with a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast is all you need for a productive morning.
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