I've been meaning to make a matcha green tea protein shake recipe for a while now, and after seeing180 Nutrition on social media decided to give their products a try. 180 make a range of all natural protein powders with other good stuff added like almond meal, flax seed, chia seed and coconut flour. Unfortunately I got my street address wrong but being such a nice company they sent my order out again (true story).

I'm a big fan of adding matcha to my pre-workout shakes (when I make it to the gym - which is rare) and have a few customers report they use matcha for the same thing. It makes perfect sense, the caffeine / L-theanine combination found in matcha creates a sustained energy release, improves cognitive performance and mood while improving mental focus and concentration. L-theanine has been found to create an alert, calm yet focused sensation while enhancing alpha brain wave activity. After one of these shakes you could probably workout for 2 hours then write a novel and cure cancer at the same time. But enough of that - you're here for a recipe.
Here's the first one -
Chocolate Green Tea Protein Shake

- 2x Tbsp 180 Nutrition Chocolate Protein
- 1/2 tsp Matcha tea
- 1 x Kiwi fruit
- Small handful of strawberries
- Handful of fresh mint
- 1 Tbsp Passionfruit
- 1/2 Cup Coconut Water
- Ice cubes
- Blend all ingredients - save some mint and strawberry to garnish
- Garnish with left over mint and strawberry
Next up we have my favorite:
The Green Tea Monster Berry Protein Shake

- 2 Tbsp 180 Nutrition Protein
- 1 tsp Matcha Tea Powder
- 1/3 Avocado
- 1/2 Cup Coconut Water
- 1 Orange
- Ice Cubes
- Mixed Berries to Garnish

- Just through it in your blender and turn it on...
- Garnish with the berries
Delicious! Two healthy, filling, matcha smoothies filled with healthy fats, protein and fibre.
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Have a great week!