November 25, 2015 2 min read

Vegan Ice Cream homemade recipe with Matcha Green Tea, Coconut Milk, vegan, dairy free

We’ve never met someone who doesn’t love a good ice cream. And today, we are going to satisfy those ice cream cravings with this Vegan Homemade Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe by Katey Power, aka @littlebitbakery.

Katey is a Melbourne-based cooking addict. She has a passion for baking and eating delicious things, and is continuously on the hunt for her newest creation. Katey has been cataloguing delicious recipes from the internet and food magazines and sharing them to her loyal followers:

We all get sweet cravings sometimes. But stuffing our faces with sugar laden foods makes us feel unwell and leaves us with a guilty feeling at the pit of our stomachs.

That’s why this recipe is great – it satisfies those sweet cravings but leaves you feeling healthy. No guilt involved! The ice cream is vegan and dairy free and is often healthier than shop bought ice cream with similar flavors.

The matcha in the ice cream gives a clean taste that cuts through the rich flavor of the coconut milk. The flavor combinations create an ice cream that is smooth, dark green and extremely delicious.

Vegan Green Tea Homemade Ice Cream


  • 1 x 400ml can of coconut milk (higher % of coconut and less water, e.g. Woolworths Select as it gives better texture & taste)
  • 2 tsp Kenko Cooking Grade Matcha
  • ½ cup sugar (I used a mixture of coconut sugar and castor)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence / extract
  • 1 squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Freeze the ice cream maker’s bowl for 24h before use (I usedCuisinart Ice Cream Maker)
  2. Whisk all ingredients together in a small pot
  3. Heat slightly to melt the sugar until it’s no longer grainy
  4. Assemble the frozen bowl into ice cream maker
  5. Turn it on and pour the mixture into the ice cream churner
  6. Let it mix and churn until reaching the consistency of soft served ice cream
  7. Transfer to a plastic container (NOT steel!)
  8. Leave to freeze up (about 1.5 hours depending on the freezer)
  9. Optional: Pull the ice cream out of the freezer and mix during the final freezing process for a smoother texture if you have time
  10. Leave it out for about 15 minutes to soften before serving*
  11. Scoop into a bowl, topped with your choice of fruits or nuts, and serve~

*Note: Commercial ice cream is made with a considerable amount of air, and the weight of coconut milk will make the ice cream more dense and icy. Make sure you leave it out to soften before scooping!

Matcha Green Tea Vegan Homemade Ice cream, easy, quick, dairy free recipe

This recipe is bound to cool you down on a warm day and impress your friends with its tastiness.


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Our Reviews

Let customers speak for us

2000 reviews

Matcha is good .

like very much

the matcha is a realy nice product. we us it almost daily. the order process is fine and deliver is issue would be your associatation with SHOP i do not like this company as well as other third party companys that want to save your credit info.

Organic Matcha Ceremonial Grade 1.06oz

3 Pack - Premium Matcha 30g

Excellent product

OMC Tops

Organic Matcha Ceremonial Green Tea is superb. Delicate with earthy overtones. Be sure to follow directions for best results. Just Delicious.